About example/app:

This is docstring for the example/app package.

The package contains a function which does it's job by applying transformation to the first and second arguments:

Function foo (first &key (other 100500))
  • first -- Just a first argument.
  • other -- Optional keyword argument. Default is 100500.
A string with first and other concatenated.
This is example function.

Internally it calls example/utils:do-the-job to do the real job.

Note, that the link above is broken, but Coo does not warn us when building the docs. Sphinx issues a warning inn such case.
See also:

When you mention a function like that, it is included into the package description and removed from the "Other functions..." section

About example/class:

This package demonstrates how ATDOC displays classes and generic functions.

The key consept is user class:

Class user
common-lisp:standard-object, sb-pcl::slot-object, common-lisp:t
Documented Subclasses:
Direct Slots:
email --
Correct email address.
last-login-at --
name --
A full username.
All users in the system have this class.

Last login slot is updated automatically.

NOTE: "Documented Subclasses" section contains only classes which are:

It is possible to check if user has admin privileges, using this function:

Function is-admin (user)
Returns t if user can modify the system.

Right now, is-admin returns t only for objects of admin:

Class admin
user, common-lisp:standard-object, sb-pcl::slot-object, common-lisp:t
Documented Subclasses:
Direct Slots:
Admins should have additional priveleges.

About example/utils:

The utils package.

This package's docstring is not mention any functions via aboutfun or aboutclass tags.

Hence, the only exported function do-the-job will be show in a separate section "Other functions in example/utils".

Other classes in example/class

Class non-documented-user
user, common-lisp:standard-object, sb-pcl::slot-object, common-lisp:t
Documented Subclasses:
Direct Slots:

No documentation string. Possibly unimplemented or incomplete.

Other functions in example/utils

Function do-the-job (first second)
The function does the job.

It concatenates first and second arguments calling internal function concat.

On this multiline we'll check how does documentationsystem processes docstrings.

Index of exported symbols

example/class:admin, class
example/utils:do-the-job, function
example/app:foo, function
example/class:non-documented-user, class  (undocumented)
example/class:user, class